Gala Stall Holder Bookings

2025 Gala Stall Holder Booking Request – CUT OFF DATE 10 DECEMBER 2024

All interested stall holders please send the form below OR an email to [email protected] with your name, business name, contact details, and basic information of what you will offer for sale etc.

Once your email is received we will review your application and send you a reply email with confirmation of your booking and payment instructions.

Once payment received into our dedicated Gala account we will confirm your booking with a site number and all other details.

You may request a specific site and they will be allocated on a first in first served basis if available

If any additional information is required please feel free to contact the Gala Bookings Administrator mobile 022 509 1951.


To view a map of sitesĀ  click here – Gala Schematic

Domain Committee established the following policy for Stall Holder bookings for Gala 2025

  • Stallholders are not permitted to sell or give away drinks (including soft drinks, water, tea, coffee, fruit juices, alcoholic beverages etc), or sandwiches/rolls, cakes, or hot foods, or ice creams, fairy floss etc since these affect the operation of “food” stall holders who pay a premium fee for their site.
  • It is general policy not to allow other groups to undertake fund-raising activities from stalls during Gala Day. However, the Committee will consider individual requests and may possibly allow some community group information stalls.
  • Busking is not allowed from stalls.
  • Please keep all your activities within your allocated stall site area to facilitate public access and event safety.
  • All vehicles parked away from your site should be in the designated public parking areas. Traffic movement on the grounds is prohibited after 8am
  • Our normal policy is that we do not refund for cancelled bookings, but with plenty of advance notice we can normally come to some satisfactory arrangement.
  • Continuing policies for Gala 2025 will be:
    – not to allow for the selling of live animals from the stalls.
    – limiting excessive use of amplified sound / voice where it interferes with the activities of nearby stallholder


General site sizes and costs for Gala 2024

All sites 5m front by 5m deep
$75.00 (incl GST) general stall

$100 ice cream, smoothies, coffee, candyfloss.
$230 Food stall/food truck

PLEASE make sure you do have the final Site Confirmation email with you so you may enter on the Gala day. Entry times must be strictly adhered to.

Gala Day Hours:

– 06.00 – gates open for Stall Holders

– 08.00 – last entry by Stall Holders

– 08.15 – any cars that are not fitted entirely within a reserved Stall Holder site are to be moved to the general car park.

– 9am Public entry

– 14.00 – nominal close, but can be later or earlier depending on the public.

– 17.00 – closure of field area, all cars and vans to be moved to regular car park area

For all Gala related inquiries contact the Gala Coordinator via email [email protected]